Jessica Katy Kimberley

By Kimbo14

Tickety Boo!

A real blast from the past today for Mommy. A lovely early morning walk to her old secondary school with Larissa, just like the old days! Just a couple (hmm hmm) of years older! And, with 2 cute little babies.
So, we had a great morning at Tickety Boo. It was very noisy, and there were a lot of little people there. Lots and lots of toys for babies, so we played for 45 minutes, listened to music, watched disco lights on the ceiling, watched little people playing, walking, bouncing and then Jess decided it was time to sleep. So she missed the songs at the end, but she'd had a lot of fun!
Another lovely sunny walk home, before she did some more rolling over and had some porridge.
Shopping this evening, instead of another walk. We had to get some fruit and veg to add to Jessie's first tastes. Mommy's got some cooking to do!

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