Inner Sense

By FranklyFrank

Grape exchange

This is, I believe, a pileated woodpecker which is in danger due to loss of habitat. We have a pair of them as regular visitors. I've blipped him before) when he was helping himself to some insects on our oak tree. Now he's helping himself to our grapes. (You can see one in his mouth).

It seems to be a bit of a game really since he announces his arrival with a very loud cry, described as a wild laugh by the WWF. That gives us a chance to come out and chase him away. But since we have seven grape vines on the property, and fairly widely distributed about, we have no hope of keeping him off.

My thought, for Thoughtful Thursday is about sharing food. If these guys are in danger then I should not begrudge them a few grapes. We have already allowed for sacrifice trees, whose fruit we accept will be harvested by the wildlife instead of us. Of course there are limits to our generosity. Deer, for instance, are kept out with a fence - though even then they nibble anything that grows over top of the fence including our beans.

One of my friends in England is active in promoting the donation of surplus food from food businesses to those in need. That seems such a great idea. We all need food. Most of us waste it. Many of us could share it with people and other creatures in need. What do you think?

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