A short walk

Just a short walk from school, I have discovered a new little paradise. Someone saw a snake down there a few days ago, eating a frog apparently. I've been told that they have to get the snake catchers out several times a summer to rid the school grounds of dangerous snakes (from classrooms and corridors as well as the outside areas! Gulp!)

Fortunately I didn't see any this morning on my stroll.

I had an okay day at school and am thankful that it's Friday!

Mr Barking is now back in the land of the living, in Cairns. He'll be heading back here on Sunday. Little Miss AB and I are going to spend the day tomorrow preparing for his return; cleaning up and putting some finishing touches to a few bits and bobs she's made him.

We can't wait.

We've just had Thai takeaway and are watching Finding Nemo. Cousteau is curled up on his bed next to the fire; a tired and happy dog.

It's good to be home. I've missed the farm with all its faults.

An early night is in order.

Night all.


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