The Little Lyle Files

By kevinwatters


Mrs W doesn’t work on Fridays now so we had the opportunity to go out for lunch. While this isn’t the first time that we have been out for a meal since my last surgery, this is the first time that I made a point of it being our choice rather than the children’s choice as for Becky’s birthday at the start if the week.

We went to a well known pizza restaurant, whose name suggests that they would be really fast but ironically they rarely are. Despite the fact that I am supposed to be treating my system with care and attention, I rather bombarded it with one of those pizzas the size of a small family flying saucer and, as if that wasn’t brutal enough, I had a slice of cheesecake.

Still, at least we will know that if everything goes smoothly, I will have given it a reasonable test of resilience. Unfortunately, it seems that even if I have no adverse reaction this time, that is no guarantee of a similar reaction in future as I could have months of inconsistent behaviour from my guts. That is why I have gone for the approach that I might as well enjoy the starting process at the eating end.

Happy Friday everyone and I hope for you that the weekend starts here.

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