Capturing small moments..

By Milli

Pigeon Man

I was awake early again, so decided to take an alternative walk to work early morning in London.

Walked though Green Park, to Buckingham Palace, contemplated meeting the Queen for breakfast, but decided I was not really hungry.

Went into St James park, walked alongside the lake and came across a man feeding the squirrels with his hands. He kindly offered me a groundnut to try, but the squirrels decided they didn’t trust me, and refused to eat from my hand.

What happened next was quite over whelming, a kit of pigeons came flying past me, some flying so low, I seriously thought they would crash into me! I turned around, and saw a man stood there with a overcoat, with two plastics bags. They must recognise him, as he then walked calmly for a few metres, paused and then emptied the food out next to his feet. It was amazing to see, how they gathered around him, so many pigeons and various other birds, it was crazy.

Apparently it’s a daily routine for this gentleman, aka ‘The pigeon man of St James park’ as I’ve named him. Bless him.

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