Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Grumpy walk

Morning started well.
Winge alert!!- Afternoon a bit pants. Decided to take kids and dogs to the woods. Went to the yard first and nowhere shady to park car so couldn't leave dogs in the car whilst we went up to the field. One and only day I do it and the owner was there and came after me to remind me of the no dogs policy at the yard. Got to the woods and loaded Eva into buggy, got dogs and Toby out only to discover a massively flat tyre on the buggy making it impossible to push. Eva was out of sorts and didn't want to walk so I ended up carrying her most of the way round- she is very heavy! Then it was just one of those tea times when the kids didn't want to eat what I had cooked and they squabbled all afternoon resulting in Toby biting Eva on the foot and ending up in "time out" then refusing to apologise so staying in time out till he did. As soon as M got home I went into the bedroom for some "me" time - putting three baskets of washing away. At least Eva went to bed ok tonight. We made the most of our rare evening together falling asleep in front of the TV and waking up at 3 am. Winge over

For some reason the blip app on my mobile will only allow me to upload and tag but not write any description.have to do that on the ipad? Just got a new phone but had same problem on the old one. Mr EG doesn't have that problem so unsure why happening to me.

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