Three times I tell you
Just love the expressions in this picture.
Daddy left just before 5am, caught his tunnel crossing and had a good journey. We faced time a while ago and all is good in that respect.
Lazy morning, Charlotte fell asleep snuggled up on my legs, I think the TM is visiting her as one check is very red and blotchy and her nose intermittently streams, but there appear, at the moment to be no other signs. Headed to soft play, hard going with two. I wanted Wom to be able to have some time before I met friends but Charlotte was just off. At first I tried to follow her to ensure she was safe, but with a baby in arms this isn't easy and I concluded as she couldn't get anywhere........
Great fun was had by all the swimming babies, the mummies room turns on chatting and watching out. Uber proud moment when Charlotte came to get R's mummy as he was crying. "R mummy, R needs you as he is crying" x
Home, no sleep, Charlie and Lola, puzzles, playing etc.
Bath was OK, bedtime not too bad, trying Wom on hungry baby formula bottle tonight to see if that prevents the 12am melt down of I am starving which is quickly followed by fed me NOW all very well and good, apart from the waking Charlotte up.
First ballet proper lesson tomorrow, excited and nervous, then popping home to see grandma to avoid spending a day watching Charlie and Lola!
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