Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Music class

The last of the summer sessions of our music group this morning. It was great fun and A is really starting to join in now.

It doesn't seem two minutes ago that I was always sat at the side, either feeding or rocking him and was just watching P doing her singing and dancing without me. I was racked with so much guilt and jealousy that I couldn't join in too. I sometimes resented A for spoiling my one on one time with P. But so quickly things have changed! Little man loved banging together the rhythm sticks and investigating all the instruments. He enjoyed watching all the others dancing and was giggling his head off when we were playing peekaboo with the coloured scarves. It's so great that's he's getting more and more interactive now. I do miss my tiny little baby, but I'm also so excited to see his personality blossom and for him to be a mischievous little boy.

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