
Today's the day ......................... to be toxic

This strange-looking plant which is related to the honeysuckle family is a native of North America although it is found fairly commonly in the UK. It always reminds me of my Mum and Dad's garden because they had a hedge of it.

Although it is an important winter food source for some birds, it's actually poisonous to humans. The berries contain an impressive array of toxins which will cause vomiting, bloody urine and delirium.

The only good thing is that white berries are not naturally attractive to humans so there is little evidence of any actual poisonings due to the plant. Only two cases are recorded - one in 1885 and the other in 1979. Both involved severe vomiting shortly after ingestion which expelled the undigested berries.

So now that I've told you all that, you can avoid them like the plague ................!

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