The Green Grass of Home

By aCaseiro

Y.A.W.N.S - # 0001

(Y)et (A)nother (W)onderful (N)ewbie (S)hot...

Used an ND 3 stops Grad here...

I just understood recently how level tunning works. I mean I just learned how to correct the levels using single channels intead of just correcting the whole RGB at once.

I came to this, browsing the web trying to learn how to remove the colour cast I was ( I am ) getting for stacking 2 or 3 ND filters.

Now I always correct the levels using Red, Green and Blue channel separately.

One needs to understand first how the "light wheel" works...

The RED channel controls RED and CYAN...adds RED moving the slider to the left and adds CYAN moving the slider to the right.

The GREEN channel controls GREEN and MAGENTA...adds GREEN moving the slider to the left and adds MAGENTA moving the slider to the right.

The BLUE channel controls BLUE and YELLOW...adds BLUE moving the slider to the left and adds YELLOW moving the slider to the right.

So it's easy to memorise:

This gives a lot of control and avoids to get funny results using the "correct levels" function.
Using the RGB channel altogether I was only having control over the lighting, usually to remove that foggy or cellophane look pictures have when coming straight from the card.

I hardly touch the saturation or brightness / contrast anymore since I started to use R G and B separately.

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