Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm


Friendships are a valuable life source. In a moment when you might feel lonely, frustrated, anxious or despair; a friend can come along with a simple gesture of touching your arm and immediately you can feel at ease.

Today I was at Mumstop with Aj and was casually talking to someone whilst Aj was holding on to my hand staring at all that was going on around her. All of a sudden Aj's friend came bounding over to her, all excited to see her and saying her name. Aj's face instantly lit up and they had a cuddle.

During our time at Mumstop, my friend and I watched as our girls played nicely together. Each taking it in turns to climb and then slide, playing hide & seek with each other and generally messing around. It was great to watch!

I was very lucky today also, as another friend of mine turned up with a warm baguette from the village Deli. I spent the afternoon catching up with her whilst Aj decided to sit next to me, picking at me (similar to like a chimp would!)

Rubes had a much better day at school today. There was no whinging or crying and she got to enjoy all of her golden time :). Which today was strawberries and ice cream!

DM went to Skating tonight with Peach & his sister.

I've had an evening of cleaning cupboards and the inside of my oven. I couldn't quite read all of the instructions on the bottle, but I've interpreted it as, "leave the solution on over night and the fairies will pick up on the burnt scent and magically clean it all for you" ;) It's worth a try ;)

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