Uprising Museum (Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego)

I said that I wasn't going to rush to do the sights when I got here last year, preferring to share them with visitors. as and when they come. Well it was the old man's choice today so off we went to the Uprising Museum, where we spent a good three or four hours, wondering around the various rooms and levels, (in what was supposed to be chronological order of the Uprising, but I went a bit wrong) taking it all in. Interactive displays, photographs and memorabilia told it as it was, while school-kids added to the sounds of dive-bombers and thumping heartbeat sound-effects, by firing rifles on display stands, instead of keeping up with their teacher! It wasn't overly busy so there was no jostling for space and it was well worth the 7 Zloty entrance fee. For some reason, there were no audio-guides and the shop was closed, so I intend to return to do that, with hopefully less chance of falling off the chronological trail.

'Freedom came out against slavery. The flame of the Uprising remained in people's hearts and souls. It was passed on by the baton of the generations. The spirit proved indestructible and immortal. Soldiers of the Rising. You did not die in vain.'
Lech Walesa, 1994


And being Monday, it marked the end of the parentals' visit. I dropped them at the airport this evening (and still it was snowing) so I'm home to an empty flat again. I had a list of odd-jobs that they've happily worked through since they got here last Thursday, so they're more than welcome to return in the summer months, so that dad can see Warsaw when it's not covered in the white stuff. The winter is getting a little tedious, I have to say!

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