Like water water off a ducks back - or head ...
This is one of the 10 little ducklings at BPC 1. More duck than duckling these days. All 10 are fast and brave (daft) and race the swans when bread is thrown into the water and even risk the wrath of Mrs Swan and grab the food before she can get to it. In this blip it was rest time after a mad dash about in the small pond.
As usual it was rest time for me too - I escaped outside after a very busy morning. One group of amazing students finishing who passed on their words of wisdom to the next group of students. They presented me with beautiful flowers and earrings and made me cry (out of sight) and then made me laugh as they were so happy and were heading off into town to celebrate completing a tough year of studying. They have all been brilliant and have worked so hard - supporting each other - and I have learnt so much from them.
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