my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie

first beach of the year

Seems fairly ridiculous that it's taken me til the middle of September to go to the beach. Also seems ridiculous that although it took me just 50 minutes to bus home, the same journey the other way was over an hour and a half. I knew the Orange order folk were doing one of their walks, as is their want, but checked that their route didn't intersect mine. The routes of their coaches did though.

The reason for the trip to Portobello was the visit of friends over from Australia. They arranged to meet a load of friends there and it was great to see everyone. Unfortunately, due to another night of little sleep, Dexter and I weren't at our best. We were only able to spend less than 2 hours with everyone before having to head back home. Not sure it was worth the journey given how little I was able to interact with folk.

Fingers crossed for tonight...

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