2nd Sat Strollers

By AndrewDBurns

Wester Hailes and back (again) ...

Here's a blip, just for old-times sake (with a shot of my ever-favourite canal) ...

... regular followers will know that this is my second diary, the first one being about my 2013/14 marathon-running exploits ;-)

And - the weekend past, was a significant point in my training last year ... I'd cycled the Pedal-for-Scotland ride for some 10-years; before running my first 10K (in 30-years!) on September 8th 2013 ...

... well, today, I ran 10K --- my longest distance since Marathon-Day --- and here are my stats:

Date: 10/9/14
Height: 6 ft 4inches
Weight: 15stones exactly!
Distance run: >6-miles (10K)
Pace: 10-mins/mile

Not bad really :-)

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