1 Day Older

By nzredhead

Long Day

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to post a blip for yesterday, as blip thought my Friday night photo (taken just after 10pm) was for Saturday and unfortunately, I wasn't awake enough to change it. So now I have missed two days in the last 2 months. Damn it.

This weekend was pretty hectic. I had work Saturday and Charlie... Charlie had a lot of fun with a chainsaw. The neighbours behind us have long been keen to take down their very large pine trees, and Charlie has been very keen to use a chainsaw. Suddenly, sunlight. In the morning. For the first time ever. It is incredible. Today, I took Mash out to burn off some of his never ending energy, and then took him over to the neighbours where Charlie was already helping the neighbours begin the clean up job. It is massive! They are wonderful and after a whole afternoon together, I see playdates in our future. They are into scifi/fantasy too which is awesome! Aaaand to make it even better, Mash let their daughter talk to him! And he even played with her... then told her off for moving branches because "It's very dangerous!"

This was taken at the end of the day. Charlie was exhausted and I thought it best to stick a camera in his face :P

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