What's new pussycat?
Off to the wildlife park at Sigean today. Part of the driving tour takes you through the lion enclosure. Normally - we are usually here in summer - they just lie around in the heat and are quite boring. Today, they were up and about and we were quite happy to follow the "don't open your window and don't stop your car" advice.
So, the broadband's been up the spout. I tried it first at about 5pm on Friday and it didn't work. Of course that's when the helpline packs up for the weekend so I kept trying turning the modem on and off, but nothing doing. So today I gave up and went to Macdonalds to use their wifi to pick up essential emails, and was all set to call France Telecom when we got home from our safari trip.
I thought I'd better plug the modem back in again so I could tell them which lights were inanely flashing on and off. And, of course, it worked. It worked perfectly until 4.55pm. But luckily I managed to get the helpline just before they closed and they were shockingly helpful. The lovely lady was nowhere near as patronising with my rubbish French as she could have been (though of course any such comments could just have gone over my head) and she was able to test the line there and then and called back exactly when she said she would. The upshot is, she says, that the modem is broken. So we will buy a new one tomorrow and she will call at the appointed time to check all is well....
And of course tonight it's working again fine so I'm wondering whether to bother with the new modem. After all, I'm up to date with blip now - is there anything else I need the internet for?
Too late to catch up on commenting. If the gods of broadband smile on me tomorrow I may be able to catch up then.
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