I almost forgot to blip ...
Late Saturday night - had a quick look at Blipfoto. Saw Gingercatpix's blip of an old police (?) box and realised I hadn't watched Dr Who. iPlayer to the rescue. The programme started and I realised I hadn't blipped. Grabbed the camera and quickly blipped the TV screen several times (just in case) - 23.58.
Not sure what happened to Saturday but it was a lovely day - mobile phone without power and no camera with me - that's my excuse for late blip.
I am a Dr Who fan. I watched it as a very young child and my brother was one of those children who hid behind the couch with a periscope to watch it and I sat with my father with my head hidden under his jumper looking out between the stitches - it was terrifying.
I love the new Dr Who! Age appropriate.
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