Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Wish I Was Here

Last year, Rich donated some dosh to the Kickstarter for Zach Braff's new movie, Wish I Was Here. As part of his reward package, we got to attend an advance screening of the movie in London today, followed by a Q&A with the man himself. The film is absolutely wonderful; it's touching, smart, funny, heartbreaking and beautiful all at once. Braff is amazing in it, Mandy Patinkin is a joy to watch, and the soundtrack is absolutely stunning. Unfortunately this is the best picture I could get of Braff during the Q&A as the lighting in the cinema was very weird, but he's a fascinating dude and was a pleasure to listen to. I had hoped to be able to meet him and throw a business card for The Parlour at him, but he had to scurry off pretty quicksmart. (I probably would've chickened out anyway :P) I had a brilliant time anyhoo and nodded off on the train home listening to Bon Iver.

I've come to the conclusion however, that I am allergic to London. Remember last year when Rich & I wasted a ton of money not going to see the Edgar Wright Takeover at the PCC because I had stomach issues? It happened again today; just before the screening I had an epically bad stomach, but I refused to let London beat me this time!

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