
We has an ambitious trip out with the knee scooter - and tested it to its limits! We visited the South Lakes Animal Park, up near the Lakes.

The terrain was hillier than we'd remembered - but I managed okay just about. The toughest bit was a new area they have built, where the flooring has lots of hard stones, and is on a hill too - not easy for me at the moment!

We stopped at the top of a hill to enjoy the roaming animals there, capybara, marmots, birds, emus, lemurs and wallabies... and sat for a while. As we were being quiet, the animals slowly came nearer, then we heard a rustling overhead in the tree. I looked up to see this little spider monkey. So cute... Then a lemur jumped up on me! I would have loved to had sat and petted it, but there are strict rules about not touching the animals, so I had to 'shoo' it off gently.

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