Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie


Today I notched up over 80 miles since June! I only did a small run today. It was hot, I don't feel great and I drank cider last night (the mystery drink in the glass last night).

I am loving the running though and feeling better today. I am having issues with my monthly cycle and it appears that against all scientific advice running is making them worse than they ever were. It's that or my age, stress (which should have lessened now) or something else.

I have a feeling I am anaemic or at least on the way towards it.

Being a woman is hard. We have had a great day through. I went for a run, dd finished her homework while Dh took ds 1 + 2 to the cinema. We met up, went shopping and had a Harvester! Came home, chilled out a bit and we are now starting baths and I going to watch Twister with Ds1.

The cheapo size 12 primark dress I purchased is literally hanging off me! Happy Days!

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