Back where I left them on Wednesday
A day dominated by cycling.
The local Mac Ride (in aid of the Mac Millan Charity) comes through our village every year, and the hall is the “Feeding Station” and check-in point. Several of us from the area have various jobs to do - preparing the food, selling food, helping to mend bikes, dishing out water, etc. There are usually between 900 and 1,200 cyclists taking part, so it is quite a logistical exercise. It’s a great day and an excellent cause, and all of the cyclists are in good spirits too, and laughing and enjoying themselves.
Part of our sales were cakes and scones etc. donated from yesterday's produce show, and everyone commented about how wonderful the food all was. Multitasking cakes!
That took from 8:30 am to 1 pm. At 3pm I drove to Wilmcote Railway station to meet and greet our own intrepid foursome who completed their Coast to Coast bike ride yesterday. They had to catch 4 trains today to get back home, but every train was on time, so it all went smoothly. Remarkably, they didn’t have a single problem with their bikes, and not one puncture. That’s amazing as between them they cycled about 800 miles on the trip.
Here they are arriving back at the station in almost the same place that I photographed them on Wednesday. They still had about 4 miles to cycle back to our house so I took their panniers in the car. Prich then had about 12 miles to cycle back to his house from ours (the others had left their cars at our place).
They’d all done really well – I’d have waved a flag for them if I’d have had one.
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