one day in France

By Frenchtoast

Confession corner

I may have been a little forgetful in picking the courgettes from my one and only plant lately! This is what I found when I eventually remembered:- a 50cm monster! Isn't it lucky I like courgette?
In other news, otherwise known as "the photo op that got away", I looked up from the ironing this morning to see a family of sangliers (wild boar) stampeding across the field at the back. They must have only been 20m away from me,and of course they kept on going while I looked for the camera, the dogs were barking their heads off, which alerted all the other dogs within a five mile radius, and little babies were running as fast as their parents, and I missed it. Still, I'm glad I've seen them at last, before they all get slaughtered by the chasse.

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