Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Homeward Bound

A lazy start to the day with yet another huge breakfast before getting on with the main event;The roast lunch!!

Pete and Julia took some of the children to Orford Castle then after lunch, we posed for the traditional Team Photo before packing up and coming home.

One of the best things about us all getting together is how well the children get on (most of the time). It's lovely to get them outside, running around the garden, playing football & cricket and bouncing around on the trampoline. I put Poppy straight in the bath when we got back and the water turned brown! The sign of an excellent weekend I reckon!

We had a fantastic time and it feels like we've all come back to earth with a bump. The reality of homework, school run and work is not a pleasant one. Still, lots to look forward to in the coming weeks starting with my favourite day of the year on Tuesday ;)

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