
By memento

Sailing along

The fact that no trim, featuring tiny rhinestones in neat rows (that aren't on a chain) seem to exist in pre-made form is but a tiny, tiny bump in the road. Silver ribbon, loose rhinestones, E6000 craft glue, a pair of tweezers and voila. The fact that the fabric ravels when you breathe on it is nothing but a tiny bump ON a tiny bump on the road. A whole bottle of Fray Check prior to assembly and voila. Installing the invisible zipper was a light, summery breeze that was not expected; I readied myself for gale force winds and a lot of cursing.

It is time to start sewing on the paillettes, all 700 of them, overlapping,, covering up all but the rhinestones themselves. Little peanut, if you ever doubt that I love you madly, just look at this dress. Only for you.

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