
Today I got up at half seven, clambered over Sarah and made a plan for the day. I woke some poor guy up at 8.30am after finding an advert on Gumtree for packing boxes. I figure there are only so many storage boxes I can borrow from work. I'm going to have to pack up all my shit again in November when the painter arrives, so I thought it might be smart to find some manageable sized boxes. I'd collected them by 10am, done the dishes and started packing. I've been at it all day.

Sarah made breakfast while I got on with clearing the living room. The new floor is being put in this week. I thought I'd be a bit cheeky and check the painter couldn't squeeze in doing the living room... alas not but wouldn't that have been genius?

Still... by the time November comes, I'll be hoarding less clutter! I had quite a nice clear out today, while I transferred the contents of my living room into my bedroom. I have a path to my bed. I imagine anyone looking in my bedroom tonight would suggest I get help. I'm going to help myself and throw out the shite I'm keeping just in case.

I ripped up the carpets in the living room and the hall after that. I'm taking back my 'no to wooden floors in flats' thing and I'm having a wooden floor. Mostly for practical reasons. The carpet owed me nothing. It was time to kill it before it walked out of it's own accord. I smiled to myself as I chopped it up into manageable pieces so I could get it out of the flat. Those grippy things they put round the sides are fucking sharp! I've stubbed my toe, had to dig out a splinter and pricked myself several times... and not in a good way!

Little things remind me that I'm my Dad's daughter though. That makes me smile. Sarah went home and I did the whole lot on my own. I can be determined when I want to be. I couldn't get those grippy things out so I went raking for a little block of wood to lever them with my screw driver... it was in my Grampa's old tool box that my Dad gave me when I moved in here. I like my hand-me-down tool box. Success in removing them in record time. I like logic. I was smug. If you look large you can see all the scribbles on the floor where my Dad has drawn the heating pipes and where the electric cables run along under the floor. That made me smile too. In a zillion years, someone will remove my (hopefully beautiful) wooden floors cause they don't owe them anything and they'll see my Dad's scribbles too. I hope they smile.

I'm surprising myself. I'm really quite sentimental and I keep things people give me and cards and generally just hoard crap. No more hoarding unless it's shoes... I'm not giving up shoes! Alas the picture on my wall that I made some years ago is fairly accurate. I'm too skint for more shoes at the moment.

Randomly... isn't it funny how something really small can make you smile all weekend? I had a moment on the way to get Barney washed yesterday morning. I've found myself grinning like an idiot on several occasions. Sorry... no clues. Smiling is good for your soul. When things are shite, and let me tell you I've had a few weeks of it, grabbing the happy shit when you can is a really good idea.

Oh and if anyone would like a bookcase... it has teeth marks along the bottom not mine I might add... pesky pet rabbit - now deceased - natural causes rather than in a stew for chewing furniture of it but I'd imagine with some sandpaper and elbow grease you could clean it up. If anyone wants it, come get it. You could probably see it in one of my blips. Somewhere.

Now I'm off to follow the path to my bedroom, I have a date with my new bed, clean sheets and a new hanky. Hurrah!

I'll catch up with my back blips at some point... I have photos... the chat will be sketchy no doubt.

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