
This is a picture of another drawing I'm working on. So far, I've only drawn about half of it, and I hope to finish the other half very soon. It's a picture of my character walking gloomily down a hallway, while everyone around her is happy and content. It's supposed to represent how I was when I was just starting high school. I didn't have many friends, and the ones that I did didn't really care for me. Most of them turned their backs on me and broke my trust. It really crushed me when one day, I realized I had no one left. I didn't know what I had done to deserve it; I was just acting like myself. Wasn't that what they always told you to do? Just be yourself? I decided to just stay quiet and keep to myself, and hope that maybe by staying quiet, more people would like me, and I'd gain more friends. But in the end, I was just alone for a very long time, almost two years. I felt so worthless, I didn't feel like I was worthy enough to talk to anyone: I kept my opinion to myself, I let others choose before me, I kept my eyes toward the ground if anyone looked at me. I felt like a dog in a world of humans: like I was below everybody. It took me forever just to muster up the courage to do simple tasks or to talk to someone, and even then, I was still afraid as ever. I could barely talk, act, or even eat without the fear that I'm going to get judged and ridiculed for how I did things. Even though I overcame this nagging feat over time, the feeling still haunts me in the back if my head every day, eating me from the inside, leaving me to wonder if I'm ever going to be normal.

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