
By sas05

big hair dryer

so ( cos all self important people start a sentence with the word so these days ) so.. heres my attempt at art in the photographic sence and the written word. Been a while since ive added anything on these humble pages but , well there ya (that word again) whats been happening ? we are losing celebs at such a fast rate.. this years review come new years eve will take some time. Suicide seems to be the way of departure of choice...dont mean to be contraversal but Robin Williams came as a shock to us all .. what a waste of brilliant talent, BUT (makes a change from the word so) i saw reams of quotes being put on faceache from Robin on life matters.. im sorry BUTT (cos i like butts) if he had all the answers surely he would be with us now.. dont hold him up as a messiah, Please god protect our celebs from themselves. Some of them we actually like.. Joey essex though...jeez...nuff said.
World events are heading the same way, islamic extremists .. lord bless em..(or not) seem to be dragging the world to hell on a hand cart ..whos knows where its going to the band The new Radicals could reconsider changing their name. One wonders what world is here for my kids when they reach adulthood.. hope they make a better fist of it than this generation who have screwed it up comprehensively. Isreal has quietened down a tad again.. so how many thousands of lives were lost .. and for what.. i mock deliberately at the sheer folly of it all.
On a more local scale, the gaza strip ,, IE the school run is now back after what was a brilliant 6 weeks for the girls, world politics being played out on a playground scale, whos not talking to who.. clicky little groups blanking others ,, me scowling at em all....just because it taunts them..can see why its all going wrong eh ,,, were dropping off kids at school with more maturity than the parents.. ill look back and laugh.. one day perhaps but that day aint today..
Anyway ( have worn "so" up now ,, getting boring) this pic was taken at southsea... we were treated to a brilliant afternoon with what are exceptionally nice people hell bent on just having a good time,, need life get anymore complicated than that one wonders. simple pleasures all done without the aid of a x box or internet connection... wouldnt think that shoveling 2 p coins into penny drop machines could be so fun,, can see the conversations that the girls will have with their kids ,, oh yeah we used real coins into a a machine that pushed other coins off a shelf , and thats it ...exciting eh .. how old fashioned will that seem. Girls love it. Were getting the changing of the seasons here now.. some beautiful evenings with also subtle hues of pinks..fresher nites,, and daytime temps dropping just that bit.. The colours on the trees are changing , Its been a truly great summer for us,.. living in the moment taking out the everyday stuff ,, work etc..i check myself to enough to say these are special times seeing the girls grow up.. all being banged out to the tune of the metronome of life. Im engaged in my own personal battle,, or should i say phoney war , with perceived ill health. Damn those blood pressure monitors at the doctors surgery .. been telling me that my blood pressure has been shooting up.. only to find out well actually its duff and your in near perfect health.. what eh.. where did that come my indoor rowing does work then.. have passed my 3 million meter mark last week. 34 half marathons.. and im still tubby..oh well whatever..look forward to going to the beach next year and showing my six pack (keg) off. its a hard life ,, but someone has got to do it (cos our celebs cant be trusted to do it ) ...i shall sign off now with something that i saw the other day.. it goes.. you are not deep,, you are not an artist , you are not an intellectual , you are not a critic, you are not a just have internet access... arh how true,, words i live by doncha know. god i love internet access. aprt from when it overdoses on the ice bucket challenge.. really ?? challemge.. c`mon now.. Paul Buchannon done 9 indoor irish indoor rowing records in one day for charity and raised 1800 quid for the samaritians. Now thats a challenge. When are people going to start thinking for themselves and not just jump on the latest fad.. especially one that involves tipping water on ya head...raising awareness ?? no ,, most of the people didnt even know what it was for it was just cos me mate nominated me...yup ..outstanding well done..i wont knock the money raised and hoping it`ll do them some good.. but people ..please give knowing what it is your giving for .. and give it without tipping water on your head,, you will realise one day its not your proudest moment... so its now 4 am ..another sleepless nite and some bargain basement rambling from me.. its free and cheap at half the price.. g`nite from me ,, till next time. may your god go with you as dave allen used to say ,, for you liz and ros. xx

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