
By Memories4Me

We are all connected...

Dear Diary,

I had a friends in yesterday to make SoulCollage cards. This is always such a great way to spend a few hours. We all come from different backgrounds and experiences but through collaging we find a way to connect.

This is a stone collage I made after my trip last September to a wonderful pebble beach on Campobello Island in Canada. I just got it framed and hung this week. On the beach all the stones were so different in color, texture and shape. I especially liked these ringed stones which are sometimes called "wishing stones".

At the Roosevelt house, there was a gift stop and in it I found a wonderful book, Wisdom of Stones, by a photographer who was as fascinated by the stones as I was. Brian W. Flynn saw the stones as metaphors and I loved the idea.

We were like these stones yesterday...all different but we found the common thread, through our art, that connected us all.

When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.

― Ansel Adams

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