
Since we moved into our house twenty years ago we have watched our neighbours' two Monterey cypresses get larger and larger. One was rather close to both our houses, and after last winter's storms, our neighbours decided to review its future. On close examination it was found to have a definite lean, and to be made up of a number of fused stems which didn't seem entirely stable, so the decision was made to fell it, leaving it's somewhat bigger sibling in place.

The tree was felled by one of our sons' closest friends, who we've known since he was eight, with help from his boss. He's been training and working as an arboriculturalist since he left school. It was fascinating (and a bit scary) to watch him work - a real professional. Alex manned the chipper and earned some money which will undoubtedly go towards an autumn break in Amsterdam. Chris missed most of the fun, as he was putting in pitfall traps at Old Sulehay NR, in preparation for a ground beetle training weekend next week, but he also helped out when he got home. Between them the mighty tree was felled without any damage, although in the end it took about nine hours!

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