Raspberry girl

4years 329days
Katie went off to school happier than I feared given that Monkey was missing. She kissed the other monkeys and blew a kiss to best monkey "wherever you are", then cried. And I cried then. But off she went. Playing "run tig" all the way to school.

While she was at school, I went straight to the library. Which wasn't opened so I trawled a few other places hunting for Monkey. I went to the research library where we had been on Saturday to no avail and finally located him, at on a shelf in the main library. I could have kissed the lady. Katie thought he was in the library as she assured me she had taken him out there, which I was unaware of. I couldn't wait to get her home today to be reunited with him.

She said her day was ok. They watched a programme about baking - "the children had to do it with no grown ups but then a lady came". She said "I told my teacher that the word list was too easy but she didn't say anything about it then told me I had to keep them in my bag. And still wouldn't give me a reading book". The gruffalo group did their first ever PE lesson before lunch. "We had to do running and skipping and fast or slow when the teacher said". She was disgruntled that she couldn't go play with the Y1 children as the climbing wall was in the big playground. Which she was even more put out to not be allowed on. She didn't like the sausages "they were too spicy but I ate all my vegetables and potatoes. And I had bread with my lunch. But I couldn't sit with lydia".

After school we often stop at the greengrocers. She is costing me a small fortune in raspberries as it is her current favourite post-school snack and it lasts about 5minutes. When we got home, she could barely contain herself coming through the door to get monkey. She lay there cuddling him for a very long time. He has now been designated "home monkey". It was far too stressful losing him. When we got back, she sat and did words from last years foundation list, "because mine are boring". She is super excited as she's going to go to bed at her friends house while I go to dance class

apologies for our absence the past few days- a challenging few days and also my camera cable is AWOL

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