Lucky blip

This was very nearly the first non-blip day in my more than two years blipping. Just as yesterday, the day didn't work out that way. But then, on my way out, I spotted the sun sinking behind this bank of cloud. I was stuck in traffic but eventually was able to park and just caught the sun before it disappeared.
I was on my way to help start a new Women's Institute in our village. We already have two WIs in our large community, but needed one for younger women, and also to cut my own WI's waiting list. We had put posters round the village but had no idea what the response would be. We were thrilled when more than thirty young women turned up, keen to start a new WI! The atmosphere was terrific, they were all so keen. I have several times before been involved in starting new WIs but it is different when it is so close to home!

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