Viator Fabula

By Heliflyer

My life

How's your life?

Sometimes it's a good idea to stop and take stock.

Life throws all sorts of things our way.. Pain, loss, death, sorrow, illness... And they can almost come to dominate our lives so much that we miss the good things that life brings too... The richness of good friendships, the warmth of loved ones, simple moments of happiness from the most unexpected people or experiences, that warm our hearts and keep us pushing forward and put a smile back on our faces.

This year I've blipped every day. It's been... tough at times. I've had a friend commit suicide, I've just recently learned of another friend's imminent death (3 months or so to go) due to the dreaded cancer, and I've had some low low times. I know of others who I follow here who have gone through awfully sad experiences and who battle every day to cope with their sadness and loss, and my heart goes out to them. You know who you are.

But life is good. I am blessed to have a great partner who looks after me and makes my life easy and as stress free as possible, a great family, a wonderful home, the Best Dog in the World (sorry Angeline), terrifically loyal and faithful friends, good food, reasonable health... And all my own hair.

So life right now is like this delicious bowl of raspberry yoghurt, meringue, and raspberries. Just a wonderful mix of different flavours and textures and colours, but just.. Just wonderful.

It might not always be like this... But be thankful for the days that it is, and tell those who are important to you that you love them. They won't be there forever.

What a wonderful day it has been. I hope yours has been too. And I hope tomorrow brings more goodness and joy than you can imagine.

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