Skip's Blips

By Skip

From my Valentine

These beautiful roses were a gift from Bob who has been going above and beyond in the marriage vow he took many years ago, which said "in broken bones and in health." Well, it didn't exactly say "in broken bones," but this is the fifth time I have broken an arm, wrist or hand over the past 25 years or so. Even so, he patiently takes care of me, driving me to the doctor's and to the occasional meeting; doing the grocery shopping; preparing meals, helping me wash my hair, tie the laces on my boots, and other mundane things that are hard to do with one hand. And I couldn't even drive myself to the store to buy him a Valentine's Day gift...ERG! Not even a card! Double ERG! So this is to say "Belated Happy Valentine's Day, Honey, and thank you for being such a generous and caring husband" I am richly blessed!

Backblip for yesterday

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