Through a glass darkly, never face to face

I am a calm person but I seriously lost my composure today in a training meeting about collecting and recording evidence to prove wider learning outcomes*. So much so that I had to leave the room. And didn't start to feel composed again until the evening when my camera and I set out on a two-and-a half hour evening walk. Even then I managed to drop a lens (no damage done, I think) and lose my spare camera battery.

*i.e. The Skills Funding Agency wants information about what things people have learnt that weren't in the original learning objectives. In order, allegedly, to fend off Treasury attempts to reduce the budget for adult learning. So next time someone jumps up and down in excitement because they've learnt something they didn't think they could manage, which they sometimes do, and I want to join in their enthusiasm and praise them and maybe even encourage them to go on to the next thing while the going is good, I'm going to be thinking instead, 'better go and write this quote down before someone else asks me to help with something else and I've got to the end of the day and forgotten the words'.

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