Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

There's a big train coming...

Today was our last day in Sydney. While I began the long trip back to San Diego, Nikki caught a ferry to Cockatoo Island, a former penal establishment and shipyard in Sydney's harbour that has since become a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The wee man enjoyed waking along all the old rail tracks (for mining carts) and through some tunnels pretending he was a train. However, he obviously knew something was amiss as he was a bit tetchy all afternoon. Nikki seems to think he was missing me already. Cute little lad.

Nikki caught a late flight up to Brisbane, where she'll be spending the next few weeks unwinding at her Mum's following a very busy, fun week in Sydney.

Bizarrely (thanks to the circumvention of time zones), I managed to arrive back in Los Angeles before I even set off! Mind you, it still took a good 14 hours on the plane, and several more to get through immigration. Still, I'm 'home' now. Even if it is a little lonely without my family.

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