Prune - trim a tree, shrub or bush by cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems, especially to encourage growth.
Decimate - kill, destroy or remove a large portion of a tree, shrub or bush.
There were so many different TEXTURES in the garden that I could have chosen for today, but Mr. HCB liked this one. A couple of weeks ago I pruned our Clematis Montana - I don’t think I have ever pruned it and it must be about 10 years old. However, Mr. HCB reckons I decimated it - but if you look closely on LARGE, you will see one or two little shoots, so it was definitely pruned and he may have to concede that I was right!
Thinking about pruning reminded me of this song played by Bob and Gilly Bennett.
You are the vine,
We are the branches,
Keep us abiding in you,
You are the vine,
We are the branches,
Keep us abiding in You.
And we’ll go,
In Your love,
And we’ll go,
In Your Name,
That the world,
Will surely know,
That You have power
to heal
And to save.
Jesus said to his disciples:
‘I am the vine; you are the branches.
If you remain in me and I in you,
you will bear much fruit;
apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15:5 New International Version
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