Grandmother, Grandmother...

...jump out of bed! We used to say this phrase as kids and squeeze the green bit at the base of the flower and it would fly high into the air! Funny the things you remember! I didn't do it with this one though as I did not want to disturb the Ladybird!

There seems to be quite a few ladybirds around at the moment. And according to Loose Women (Which I don't normally watch, but did today as Omid Jalili was on!) there are currently lots of spiders around...and they are big buggers too! I hope my spindly little "security" spiders keep them away.

Minstrel being a house-cat doesn't get to hunt much, but he did stalk and catch a spider the other day - only a spindly one but even so! I dread him catching one of the big evil ones and bringing it, still alive, as a gift to me! I would totally freak out! And apparently if they (cats!) detect that you are not pleased with their gift they feel compelled to hunt again for a better offering...

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