Boys BBQ!

I've not been uploading my blips in the right order, the dates and photos are right but I uploaded Sunday, then Friday and now I'm doing Saturday!!

Thank you for al the lovely comments on Sunday's Blip, this Blip might explain a bit!!!!

Colin has a set of friends that he's had ever since being young, in fact one of his best friends he met on the first day of infant school! We like to do a BBQ every year, it started out being called "The Boys BBQ" because it was exactly that, all the boys would come round and I would run about serving them beer, but as the years have gone on the boys have got girls ;) there has also been marriages and babies!!!!!! So now it should be called "The Family BBQ" but I think it will always be know as the boys barby!!

It's always great to get together and have a good chat and catch up! the children's Uncle Ashley was there, I've mentioned him before, he's their naughty uncle!!! Ashley likes to dress up, as ANYTHING!!! His challenge today was to see how many different outfits he could wear in one day!! We saw "Money Man" (you can see him in the suit made of dollar bills) a flamenco dancer and a Greek goddess but then he had a very sad phone call and had to dash off to see his mum. Unfortunately she passed away Sunday lunchtime. We can't stop thinking about him, so sad.

It's amazing to have good friends, if you have some, keep hold of them..... Then get drunk and tell them all their faults!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

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