This day

By snapper

College Days!

Ah I remember my own college days, I went to college because my family doctor (who was also a family friend) would not write me any more sick lines so I could swan off to the Royal Highland Show! "why don't you go to Uni and you would get all summer off?" "I can't I only have 2 highers" "well you are a mature student and if you go to college and do more highers, I will write you a good reference"

I thought about it and as I was working in a boring hospital lab and the youngest by about 100 years! I thought, all summer off! hmmmm that sounds good.
So off I went to Clydebank Tech, did 3 highers no less, got them , applied to Glasgow Uni and true to his word old Doc gave me a reference and I was off living life as a mature student but I enjoyed all 4 years of it.

Now it was my turn to see my youngest off to an interview for her college course. No one went with me (actually I never told my parents I was going to either college or Uni) I sat in reception waiting for her as we had traveled 2 hours to get there and all I could hear were peals of laughter coming from her and the lady interviewing her (no worries there I thought to myself, )
She actually wants to do nursing (don't know why as all our brushes with the Health Service have been downright hostile ones, they certainly did my parents no favours) However, this interview today was for her standby incase she doesnt hit the mark with the nursing entry . (Ah you are secretly thinking that I would prefer her to follow marketing and communications!) Her choice it has to be not mine

Do I feel old? heck no, when I see these modern mothers trying to be their kids friends and having no control over them I think, thank God I am not going down that road! Even on the train this morning a wee lass about 3, sitting next to granny and she said when do we get off gran? well darling we have 3 more stations to go, shal we count them. Oh no I thought cant she just let the wean enjoy her time on the underground without turning it into another bloody educational lecture!
Too much pressure as Jedward sing in their song!

Besides I look forward to having all my kids go their own way on the winding road we call life.No more dinners to cook, clothes to wash, ah yes roll on good times.

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