No 166: Curlew Sandpiper

On my Blip bird list, I've blipped better - and worse. I was just pleased to see and photograph this bird at Old Moor today. We nearly didn't go as we read that one area was closed off for work, but actually it was only one tiny part, and I'm so glad we went, because apart from a new bird on my tally, it was a beautiful day once the early mist burned off, and we were treated to sightings of butterflies, dragonflies, weasels, kingfishers, 3 types of Sandpiper, as well as other sundry waders (like Lapwing and Golden Plover in this shot), and as if to prove it's Autumn, a good sprinkling of ducks.
It felt like a dress rehearsal for our forthcoming trip to Suffolk, which we are really looking forward to.
Tomorrow is another Longshaw survey, so a good chance of fungi.

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