The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Back to school ..

My bird group started again today and we went to Spurn which is a pretty good place to start the term!

There was a fair bit about, but we didn't see the wryneck or the great grey shrike, sadly.

It gets very busy at the end of summer/beginning of autumn with people and with birds as if the wind's in the right direction there are lots of arrivals from the continent.

We saw plenty of wheatears, whinchat, stonechat, redstart, red breasted flycatcher, pied flycatcher.

After lunch I went back on my own and saw this warbler, so took a few shots. Someone saw me taking the photos and got very excited, asking a passerby if they thought it was a marsh warbler .. he got excited too and radioed through to the Spurn head honcho and sent me to show my photos to him.

With one glance he pronounced it to be too rufous and long billed to be a marsh warbler and it was a willow warbler.

So there you are!

Pretty good LARGE

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