It's all unclear...

It's all very unclear, nobody knows what's gonna happen on Thursday, yes and no neck to neck...

As a foreigner, it's very exciting for me to be in Scotland at such an important moment and to be able to be part of it. The debates, discussions, yes and no stands, leaflets, yes and no signs on windows, discussions at work, in the street, at the pub...

I think the future of Scotland is a serious matter. To me, the no vote is a safe vote, as no many changes will happen, a bit of staying in the comfort zone. The no vote is for those who are more or less satisfied with the situation at the moment and see independence as too much of a risk. As for the yes vote, for me, it's probably the most difficult decision to make. I've heard people saying that they would love to see an Independent Scotland but they don't think it's a good idea... The yes vote means big changes for scotland, and big changes always have an element of risk. The yes vote is for those who are not satisfied with the situation at the moment and are prepared to accept whatever it takes to make these big changes, for those who, in their hearts, want Scotland to be an independent country and are prepared to take the challenge however long it takes.

I do respect whatever side you're on, because I'm sure you all have good reasons for your decision, and I hope that the final decision is the best for the future of Scotland.

Work was busy. I was feeling slightly better than yesterday but the sore throat is still there.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts yesterday! I even made it to spotlight!!! Totally unexpected!

I hope you all had a good day! :)

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