
By bivbov

Late night dinosaur session!

Noo doesn't get to have a nap at "big kool" so he fell asleep at 3.30pm when I picked him up. Three hours later, when he woke up, he was full of beans!! I took him to bed at 9pm.........and brought him down at 9.30pm. He's just not tired....

I, on the other hand, am very tired. I had a pretty hellish day at work yesterday and went to bed feeling very tired. I had a good sleep, but I could always do with more! I had the day to myself - very rare!!!! - so I made the most of it. I had a morning run over the fields, a blitz on the living room, framed some photos, READ A CHAPTER OF A BOOK (biggest achievement yet!), went to my Tuesday bootcamp, and ran home again. I then gave my friend a sports massage......she has a half marathon in 10 days or so.

A happy day....

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