Looking Forward...

By Fiono

An international welcome

This mural can be seen when you pull into Basel train station from the west, and from the bridge I walk over on my way to German class! How many languages do you recognise? Basel is known for being an international city. You'd expect so when it borders two countries! "Griezi" is the standard Swiss greeting I hear but no one has agreed on a spelling!

We were learning about perfect tense verbs in class tonight - something that had been engrained into me at school (ich spiele, ich habe gespielen etc.) so I took time to decide whether or not I was going to go to class on Thursday evening. It's a toss up between watching the Scottish referendum analysis all evening or attempt to be distracted from all the pre-result commentary and get home in time for the result. I've decided to go with the latter but I am guessing it will be difficult to concentrate. My home nation's future is at stake after all.

FYI I have finally decided how I'm going to vote however I don't feel like sharing it on here. We have anonymous voting for a reason. The last two years of campaigning have reignited political engagement in Scotland though which is fantastic - for the most part.

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