
the women for independence stall was the busiest I've ever seen it today - we had a non-stop stream of folk wanting badges and posters for their windows, information to give to undecided pals, we had no voters wanting to chat and occasionally confront us about our decision, we had loads of undecided folk still looking for information from normal folk, not the politicians or the media. we also had photography students from nescot college sent out to capture the spirit of the referendum - and we had journalists and TV crews interviewing and filming us. I gave an interview to a swiss journalist called boris mabilland who is the political correspondent for a publication called le temps (the times) in switzerland. we spoke for ages and he was lovely but a bit put out that I wouldn't tell him what party I usually vote for...I think it's irrelevant right now, he was intrigued by that.

I asked him what he thought of scotland right now - he told me he thought it was amazing and exciting and was very impressed by the good nature in which the campaigns were being conducted.

then home to get the kids, take them to brownies/guides while bee went off to bucksburn canvassing with yes aberdeen. neither of us can sleep...too nervous/excited.

I was going to blip a photo of our busy stall...then a friend sent me this photo from aberdeen beach today! it's ace eh?

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