
By nellableu


meet my ganglion. his journey began late yesterday afternoon and arrived sometime during the night. He is a repeat offender. Everytime he visits, it irritates the crap out of me. This time, I decided I was going to give him a face with a double chin and some rabbit ears. I also included a sun because what you cannot see is that small circle of the sun gives mr. ganglion his power. mr. ganglion is a gift from a long time friend. A friend I met when I was 18 months old. Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. JRA has been my friend the longest of any..going on 34 years...i'm ok having JRA around another 34 as long as it behaves and keeps quiet. i'm not sure if i can call it jra anymore or if it's just ra.
unfortunately just because i act like a juvenile sometimes doesn't mean i'm classified as one.

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