A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

A Breakfast Image

Sadly, the photo of my breakfast is the only photo I've taken today (other than awful snapchat pictures to my friends) so it's the one that we're stuck with for today.

I suppose my day started with backblipping until the wee hours of the morning. I've been exceptionally bad at blipping over the summer, especially considering this year I was going to complete the blip 365 challenge. I admit, I find trying to find something to take a photo of everyday hard, especially when I am at uni. But I'm back on track now and back dating blips from my numerous adventures over the summer.

As today is my day off uni, I had a bit of a lie in, although I spoke to Rory before he went to work. I read a couple of chapters of A Game of Thrones before I got up and decided I'd have a super healthy start to the day with a lovely full to the brim bowl of fruit. I spent the morning finishing off the reading I had to do for a tutorial tomorrow and then started a reading for Killing and Dying in the 21st Century's tutorial next week. I don't know why I am so organised this term, but I'm hoping it continues.

To break up my day I went for a 2 and a half mile run around Hawkhill in the middle of the afternoon, showered and then could not be bothered to move again until it was time to make dinner. I've been meaning to do my washing since Monday and I've still not done it so that shall be top of tomorrow's to do list. I made an awesome stir-fry for dinner with extras to have for dinner again later in the week so that should free up even more reading time.

Tonight is going to be spent brain storming ideas for my first meeting with my dissertation advisor tomorrow as I'm not sure I want to do the same question I proposed in my project proposal last year. It won't change too much but I need to come up with a few more ideas to see what Jim thinks will be the best/most interesting. It's also Bake Off night so that will definitely be factored in and I'm hoping to get more A Game of Thrones read as I've just over 100 pages until I finish it!

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