
By JanPatienceArt

One More Day

A lone car for NO in Glasgow's east end tonight.
This doesn't actually reflect the fact that there was a cavalcade of cars ahead of it, like an Orange Walk on wheels, all festooned in Union Jacks and tooting horns.
I couldn't take a picture and drive at same time (your honour) so took this at a junction.
Not far away in George Square, hundreds of YES supporters gathered, waving Saltires in a sort of impromptu Hogmanay party in mid-September.
Both camps seem to be neck and neck. It's too close to call.
For what it's worth, I'm voting Yes. I have reservations but 'don't know' or enhanced Devolution isn't an option.
I feel like the whole country - and by that I mean the rest of what is still the UK - is poised on the verge of something momentous, whichever way the vote goes.

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