Proud Weegie

By Shiv

All Change

Back to the theatre this afternoon for Act 2 rehearsals.

No 1 thinks they should make it into a reality TV show because of all the back stage drama ! Perhaps I should get in touch with Channel 4??

Big girls are keeping themselves going with Lucozade and Haribos (I couldn't find Jelly Babies - which are apparently very effective at keeping you on a sugar high). No such delicasies for No 3 - she's already hyper !

Lots of changes in the Scottish Referendum polls, the Yes/No split seems to be changing by the minute. I'm looking forward to the 19th and we can move on (one way or another).

Here are the Quick Change ladies. They can 'wheech' you out your tutu and into a pair of jazz pants before you can say 'does my bum look big in this?'.

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